Basic painting of P-51H completed
In this production, I decided to paint the British Air Force aircraft.
The painting instructions in the manual include Mr. Color 331. Mr. Color 331 is the color used for Phantoms and Buccaneers in the 1970s, so I used the normal RAF Fighter Command paint.
Mr. Color 361, 362, 363.
Of course, after refusing that it is a case-by-case basis, I will paint the surfacer to check the surface condition and erase fine paper scratches with a mold of this size.
I sometimes see the opinion that “painting the surfacer fills the mold”, but if you paint the surfacer with an airbrush, this much mold will not fill.
I agree if the surfacer is an aerosol type surfacer or if it means “easier to fill than normal paint”, but it doesn’t mean that “the mold doesn’t fill when you don’t use the surfacer”.
I think you can see that “the mold is not filled when the surfacer is not used” is wrong, so let’s think about the following.
There are times when I don’t use a surfacer, and in the case of a plastic model, there is no need for the base to be a surfacer, but I think there is little reason not to use a surfacer.