ハセガワ 1/72 アブロ・ランカスター GR.3 プラモデルの完成品です。
Hasegawa 1/72 Avro Lancaster GR.3 plastic model finished product.
Made in 2020
The WWII masterpiece bomber Lancaster was used after the war, the GR3 was used for maritime patrol missions. After Lancaster, Avro Shackleton took on the maritime patrol mission.
ハセガワの1/72 ランカスター・ポストウォーです。キャノピーの一部に間違いがありますが、比較的作りやすい好キットです。
This is Hasegawa’s 1/72 Lancaster Post War. There are some mistakes in the canopy, but it is a good kit that is relatively easy to make.
The canopy was glued by swapping the front and back after cutting with a hyper cut and sew.
The painting is Mr color 333.