ハセガワ 1/72 F-14A トムキャット ラーズグリーズ プラモデル 完成品。
Hasegawa 1/72 F-14A Tomcat Razgriz plastic model finished product.
Made in 2016
Ace Combat 5 is one of my personal favorite games. The hot story and hot wireless communication were attractive. It was a game of a reliable friend, a betrayal, a friend who died in the war, the coolest president, and a hot Gumurak (only those who understand (laughs)).
By the way, my favorite machine after becoming Razgriz with Ace Combat 5 was not F-14A, so I don’t have any extreme feelings for Razgriz of F-14A (laughs), but in the final stage I used SU-47. I used to use it, but there is no bonus decal for SU-47 … but it’s an emblem, so it’s pretty good.
キットはハセガワの凹モールドの1/72 F-14Aです。ミサイルは付属していないので。ブラッシンのミサイルを使用しています。ミサイル三種の方がキットより高かったです。
It’s probably one of the most popular Ace Combat series from Hasegawa (already with a ridiculous premiere).
The kit is 1/72 F-14A of Hasegawa’s concave mold. Missiles are not included. I am using a brassin missile. The three missiles were more expensive than the kit.