アオシマ 1/700 海上自衛隊護衛艦 いせ プラモデル完成品です。汎用のエッチングパーツでディテールアップしました。
Aoshima 1/700 Maritime Self-Defense Force escort ship Ise plastic model finished product. Details have been improved with general-purpose etched parts.
Made in 2011
1番艦「ひゅうが」は震災当日定期点検中でしたが、点検を中止し急速出港準備を行い、三陸方面へ急速展開、救助作業の陣頭に立ちました。 アメリカ軍のトモダチ作戦とも連携し その強力なヘリコプター運用能力は海からの救助・救援の中核となったようです。「いせ」は作戦能力を持っていなかったため、最大の能力を持ちながら震災時に活躍することができませんした。
The “Hyuga” type escort ship was the largest escort ship of the Maritime Self-Defense Force in 2011. “Ise” is the second “Hyuga” type ship.
“Ise” was commissioned on March 16, 2011.
The first ship, “Hyuga,” was undergoing regular inspections on the day of the earthquake, but the inspection was canceled and preparations were made for rapid departure from the port. She also collaborated with Operation Tomodachi of the US , and her powerful helicopter operational capabilities seem to have become the core of rescue from the sea. Since “Ise” did not have operational ability, she could not play an active part in the event of an earthquake while having the maximum ability.
In November 2013, an international rescue team was organized due to the typhoon that struck the Philippines, and this “Ise” was deployed in the Philippines along with the transport ship “Osumi” and the supply ship “Towada”. The name of the operation dispatched to the Philippines for rescue is “Operation Sankai”, which means “friend” in the local language.
It is a kit that captures the outline well, and also comes with a fantasy part called F-35 at the time of 2011.
甲板 軍艦色5(SDEカラー)
舷側など Mrカラー307
Aoshima’s kit is almost straight, and an etching handrail is added.
Basic painting was done with gray suff + black suff as the base.
Deck warship color 5 (SDE color)
Broadside, etc. Mr color 307
Lightly add shadows, then wash, decals, and matte clear.